Shincha is a first flush sencha in Japan, also called ichibancha. It’s praised for a great sweet and fresh taste and lighter colors.
This tea is excellent with lively floral notes, mellow taste and color. Very essential late spring time feel. Should be steeped at 70°C for about 1 minute on all steeps, up to 5 something. Heat up your tea pot before steeping.
Leaves are very bright colored and in a good long shape. Real delight. Bright color of sencha leaves is much valued in Japan. The liquor is greenish yellow, somehow white clouded. Very beautiful.
Some tea knowledge:
Yabukita is a tea cultivar widely planted in Japan because it can adapt well to different conditions and soils. It has beautiful long straight leaves and intense green color. For Yabukita variety it is important to pluck the harvest in a right time, otherwise it may loose its quality.
I just tagged along, hhahaa! It was really who was invited.@chrisVery! I want to go grab various bags of their tea and go tea-crazy.@ninaI really wish they labeled it, if only so I’d know how long to steep each. Oh well, I guess I’ll try steeping for green tea and wing it from there. Pero I like your iced tea idea <3@BeccoryThank you so much! That helps a lot. I really want to know more about tea because I find the various kinds and brews fascinating. I'm still a coffee person in the mornings I need my caffeine, but tea, I like enjoying leisurely. And I also found an infuser I like, one of those long cylindrical thingies, but I keep on forgetting to order! It doesn't help that I can only get it online *sigh*@NightfallMental note, get an egg timer for tea! I think all my past attempts were failures because they were mostly green tea. I guess it needs more practice than with black? A Chinese friend kept trying to teach me but I always ended up with bitter chrysanthemum tea. I guess it's time to try to learn again.And about coffee snobbery hehe, I will probably make them all turn in their graves! I'm such a coffee philistine, I just like my coffee sweet and creamy And loaded with caffeine of course.@toniSayang! I think we're destined to not meet. Maybe we really live in separate dimensions and only connect via the WWW? @Tony LouYou'd love it then! It really has caramelly undertones, minus the super sweetness. You know, I take back saying I'd like to drink it solo. Maybe it will be good with a sliver of really rich leche flan?